Pierce Group AB (publ) is a Swedish public limited liability company domiciled in Stockholm. The company’s corporate governance serves to strengthen the confidence of customers, society and the capital markets through a clear allocation of responsibilities and well-balanced rules between owners, board of directors, management team and company functions. The corporate governance is based on Swedish law (primarily the Swedish Companies Act), the company’s articles of association and internal rules (including policies and instructions). Being listed on Nasdaq Stockhom, the company is obligated to comply with Nasdaq’s Nordic Main Market Rulebook for Issuers of Shares and the Swedish Corporate Governance Code (the “Code”). The Company is not required to comply with all rules in the Code; alternative solutions which are deemed more suitable for the company are possible, provided that any deviation from the Code is reported and the alternative solution is explained in the corporate governance report (the so called “comply or explain principle”).

The Corporate Governance Report for each year is contained within the respective Annual Report.